Looking to guest post on an awesome finance blog?
What’s in it for You?
- You will get a link to your blog and social media profiles from a quality finance blog
- Your guest post will get shared and promoted heavily via multiple social accounts
Editorial Guidelines For Guest Posting
- Your finance guest post should be at least 600+ words
- You should add at least 1 relevant royalty free photo. It should be 700px in width and not bigger than 100kb in size (there are many free online photo editors to edit photos, just use google and you will find them). These photos should be royalty free (or yours) and you should credit the source. Videos, infographics and other multimedia are also welcomed
- You should use subheadings, short paragraphs and bullet points
- You must use H2/H3 tags for subheadings and the right categories and tags for the post
- You should fill up the Yoast SEO section and make sure that there are no red or orange lines (don’t worry if you don’t understand what this means you will see them while writing your post)
- Your article should bring added value to the blog, this means that you should submit a finance article that you would be proud to use as a promotion of your writing skills and expertise.
- You should add at least 1 link to relevant posts of thebrokeprofessional.com
- You should also link to reputable sources that will really help readers find extra info about mentioned in the article. (no link to commercial sites is allowed unless you pay)
- If you add any stats, data, and numbers you should link to the sources
- Adding case studies and personal stories usually make a post get more shares and comments so try to incorporate them in your article
- Do not copy paste your article from your word editor to WordPress since this will cause weird formatting. You should either write and format your article on WordPress or after you paste it clear all the formatting and format it again
- Replying to comments and readers’ questions is a must
Of course, your article should be unique and written exclusively for thebrokeprofessional.com, this means that it should not have been published anywhere else on the web before it’s published here. Nevertheless, you can publish it on your blog 1 month after it’s been live on thebrokeprofessional.com but you must add a do follow link to the original post.
Your article might also get syndicated on other popular blogs or sites
How to submit a finance guest post
Send your email here questions@thebrokeprofessional.com