A personal credit line can be seen as a loan from the bank that functions like a credit card system. This means that you will have a particular amount of money under the loan, just like the limit of a credit card. You can then use this money for … [Continue reading]
Should You Invest in Single or Multi-Family Rental Property?
Choosing the right investment property is a very personal endeavor—and one that should not be taken lightly. Is it better to go with a single-family property or is a multi-family rental a better option? It is probably the most common question that … [Continue reading]
What is Bad Debt Expense in Business?
Finding your way through the ins and outs of owning your own business can be difficult, but extremely rewarding! Along the way, you will not only find new and interesting ways to create profits, but you also learn a lot about business expenses and … [Continue reading]
What to Consider Before Getting Your First Credit Card
Getting your first credit card means setting off on a road of financial freedoms, as well as taking on a huge responsibility. When researching credit cards, there are a lot of different things to consider! From interest rates, to payments, as well as … [Continue reading]
How to Calculate the Cost of Debt
Trying to calculate the cost of debt? Being in debt is never easy. Whether you’re struggling with student loans or walking a tight rope with credit cards, being in debt can cost you a LOT. In order to help you make your life a little less … [Continue reading]
What Happens to Your Debt When You Die
If you’ve ever been in debt, you know how hard it is to see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, even if you DID find a way to start reasonable payments, your debt still follows you no matter where you go. Even past the grave! So, what … [Continue reading]
Most Effective Debt Recovery Solutions
Looking for an effective debt recovery solution? Collecting money from people who are in debt to your company, is never a fun task. Going after the money you are owed can create unnecessary trouble for you and your business. That’s why there are … [Continue reading]
Why Creating Systems Trumps Motivation
I vividly remember the first time I saw Rocky as a kid. Just a lowly local fighter, Rocky Balboa had to go through so much to get ready for his big fight with the champ Apollo. After watching the iconic training scenes of him running up … [Continue reading]
The Sharp Bite of COBRA Insurance
So I'm self employed now. I made the change about 6 months ago and am winding down from being an employed optometrist. Working for the man can become tiring. But one thing working for the man did provide was health insurance at an affordable … [Continue reading]
February is Failed Resolution Month
Make Goals Great Again! Did you make a New Years resolution for 2019? Most likely it has failed by now. Not that I know you personally or anything. But research tells me so. It's estimated that 80% of New Year's resolutions fail. When they … [Continue reading]